While looking for an old photo for my sister recently, I came across this. This is my mother holding a quilt I made in 1972 for a teacher's new baby. It made me realize just how swiftly time is passing. Although it was not my first quilt, I remember so very clearly making this one, as I wanted every seam to be perfect. This was going to be a gift to a special person and I wanted do do my very best. Seems like it was yesterday.
Since my last post was in April, I thought I'd better go chronologically until I get to "present day". 😏 One short post at a time so as not to overload anyone or anything (like my PC).
May: Another delightful retreat with my "Seven Sistahs" at our rented beach house. We had a severe early Spring storm here in Maine which affected many coastal areas, but we were fortunate that the house we have rented for the past 4 years, came through unscathed. We have a little (all in fun) challenge every year. When we were here last year we purchased a panel of strange and spooky images. Everyone took one tiny (6") panel and made their offering.