I've had a soft spot for turtles all my life. I love watching them, seeming to ponder each move before they actually make it. As I age, I feel a special kinship with these gentle creatures. I make my moves slowly and cautiously now. I am currently working on 11 different quilts. If "slow and steady" does indeed win the race, I feel confident that they will all (and maybe a few more) be done before the end of the year.
First update: The Maine State Bicentennial Quilt (top). Maine was to celebrate our bicentennial in March of 2020, but I think we all remember what prevented that from happening. Pat Burns drafted the design and members of our quilt study group made blocks. I finally pieced them all together last month! This will be used as a teaching tool at the Maine State Museum when they reopen in 2025. The public will get a chance to learn hand quilting as they enjoy two special quilt exhibitions curated by Laurie LaBar.

The center is our Maine State Seal.

Eight of my quilts were on display at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta, Maine. My high school was in the next town so I spent a lot of time here in my youth. The area for display if beautiful and I loved sharing the glory with the paper humpback whale on permanent display.
I'm managing to keep up with the weekly "Tiny Nine Patch Challenge, hosted by Taryn Falkner @reproquiltlover on Instagram. Each week we make 10 tiny (1 1/2" finished!) 9-patch blocks inspired by a gorgeous antique quilt. I'm doing mine in the potholder method and if I can keep up the pace, I will have a finished donation quilt by the end of the year.
And, within the eleven projects, there is actually a "finish"! This is a "potluck" potholder quilt that I have been making for quite some time. I just rescued some light strips that were from another ancient project and started stitching in my tortoise like way. After I assembled the blocks it looked a bit forlorn so I added some strippy borders using some of my favorite reproduction conversational prints. It still looked a little bla, so I found some circles which were also leftovers and appliqued them on. The four corner blocks were rejects from my "Bird's Nest Soup" potholder quilt. And, voila! I have aptly named this one, "Bubble and Squeak". My leftover favorite!
Here I am - plodding along.
Hope I can keep up the pace!
Enjoy the day!