Monday, January 22, 2024

Triple the fun!

 A wise old owl told me not to partake in more than 3 sew-a-longs this year. It is the third week in January and so far, I have been able to stick to his advice. Sew-a-long number 1: Corinne and Cecile's "animal" theme for 2024 has proven to be a really fun project. I don't think it will use up as much of my wool collection as I had hoped, but maybe I will donate some of the leftovers to my local group (which will of course allow room for new fabrics😏. 


Sew-a-long number two is actually a doll quilt swap on Instagram hosted by Linda Collins (Quilts in the Barn). I am having a blast with this one. Linda's suggestion was to make something that you would love to keep for yourself. Mission accomplished! I adore this one. It has over 60 difference "conversational" fabrics from my ancient stash. I used this wonderful "French General" fabric called "Bon Voyage" which seemed appropriate as it will be traveling soon. I kept the blue width of the fabric while quilting so it would fit nicely in the hoop, but that will be trimmed off in the end. 

And, the third project is an Instagram sew-a-long with Taryn Falkner (Repro Quilt Lover) called "Tiny Nine patch challenge". I will be doing this in the potholder method in 7" blocks with 9 nine patches in each block. The nine patches themselves finish at 1 1/2". Taryn posts 10 little gems each Monday and I will try not to complete one 7" block a week so that I will be finished by December 31. This will replace my circle a day habit from 2023. 😅 


I'm trying not to be so hard on myself for being such a bad blog reader and commenter! If I can get to one post a week and read a few blogs a day, I will be forming a new and better habit! 😏😅 

Happy Quilting to all!!


  1. cute little animals...wise owl indeed! the lament of every quilter...those scraps just don't disappear as quickly as one might think...

  2. Lovely border choice for your "stash" quilt. A little extra planning and care can make anything stunning! You did it!

  3. So many fun sewalongs to be a part of! Love yours! The swap quilt is so darling with the conversation prints and that beautiful border.

  4. This quilt is amazing. The fabric choices and the pattern I truly thought it was a heirloom, a treasure made my a great grandmother. It easy to see why you would want to keep it for yourself.

  5. I had a chuckle about the "wise old owl".
    Your wool blocks are so sweet. I gave away two tubs of wool a few years ago, but I still have enough that I could have joined in on this SAL, if it had occurred to me to make the animals out of wool.
    That doll quilt is definitely something I would want to keep, with all those precious conversation prints. And what an excellent use of that French General border print! It is a creation that the lucky recipient will surely love!
    I am not at all surprised that you are doing Taryn's SAL. Each of her SALs is a temptation, but I only let myself sign up for one new project this year, and it is the Pam Buda Piecemakers sampler. So I will enjoy seeing your tiny creations, and vicariously enjoy the scrappy little 9-patch blocks. Of course you are making the tiniest ones--and I LOVE them!
    I will give you a run for your money in the bad blogger department. If I get my post written tonight, it will be my first this year!! So give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself you aren't doing so bad. LOL

  6. Hmmmm let's see if the control will remain......
    Love all the projects you have been working on.......
