Wednesday, March 26, 2025

A Few Finishes

 I finally finished hand quilting my 2023 Quiltmania Mystery quilt designed by Susan Smith. This one will be at our "Maine Quilts 2025" show this July in Augusta, Maine. Hope to see a few of you there!! 


I wanted to make a strippy quilt in the potholder method so I grabbed some vintage feedsack scraps and started appliqueing. I hand quilted the applique strips and machine stitched the strips directly onto the batting and backing for the pieced strips. I love how the back came out! I'm calling it "Rock Candy".


I liked this so much I decided to try another one with this marvelous Christopher Wilson Tate giraffe fabric. It all went well until I washed it and one of the reds ran! I prewash all my fabrics and usually wash reds twice before using, but this one must have slipped by me. I switched out the red circle and tried my solution of baking soda and Dawn and most of it came out. Lesson learned! I've named this one "Nonpareil". 


I love the slightly pink toile of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Since my name is Wendy, it seemed appropriate.


I've just started Taryn Falkner's (@reproquiltlover) "Scrappy Meets Thrift" challenge on Instagram. And, I'm starting Barbara Brackman's Liberty Bird's on her "Civil War Quilts" blog today. That should keep me busy for a while! 

Enjoy the day! 


  1. ooh i predict another ribbon wendy...lovely projects every single one...i've some of the giraffe too and have an idea for mine...i was tempted on 'birds' but plate is full right now

    1. I'm not entering in the judged section because I'm too cheap to pay the fee, but I do want to share it with others so it will be in the display section. Hope to see you there!

  2. Absolutely stunning! I love the look of hand quilting and appreciate the work that goes into it.

  3. So impressive, what you are quietly creating across the country from me. Whenever you pop in with a blog post you seem to have created one or more amazing quilts with lovely applique and hand quilting--and such clever, food related (as always) names!
    I was thrilled to see the giraffe fabric have its day.
    The Tinkerbell fabric is a cute addition.
    Wow--I am trying to avoid starting more projects so I can finish some of the ones I have in progress, and you are accomplishing both. I look forward to seeing what you do with these two new projects.

    1. I remember thinking that you and I would do something fun with the giraffe fabric and I guess it was finally time!

  4. I am so very impressed with your amazing quilting! You have so much patience to put so much time and effort into one quilt! Good for you! Good luck at the exhibition!
